Saturday, March 24, 2001

Moskova'da Hayat (LIFE IN MOSCOW)

Doubtlessly it was for me an adventure just going ahead without fear and suspicion.
I had so many different feelings; ache and sweet together.
I saw, think, compared, walked around, felt cold and warm ate and drank, spoke...
I mean I have lived there...

    Yes i am there, After that i have walked through the arc.
    Another arc is  in France i hope i will be there too.

    Maybe the most lovely masterpiece (architecture and history I can say) Hram Vasilya Blajenneva with nine towers and a lot of rooms, corridors and a hall... I have been in it !


    On the Big Moscow Bridge, to Kremlin, to Hram Hrista and to another skyscraper...

    People live in the building.


Moscow river again and Hram Hrista in the centre.

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